Emergent forest diseases threatening California Ecosystems
The course is organized in eight parts:
- Introduction to tree diseases and their causal agents
- Ecology of forest diseases, differences between native and non-native diseases
- Principles of Biological Invasions and diseases caused by off-site hosts or by forestry practices
- Emergent diseases in California caused by exotic fungi
- Emergent diseases in California caused by exotic oomycetes
- Newest threats
Readings and resources:
The following readings are general on the theory of emergent diseases:
The following readings are specific to the diseases covered in the workshop:
WhitepinesRibesandBlisterRust (white pine blister rust)
PitchcankerReviewWingfield (pine pitch canker)
Eukaryotic Cell (sudden oak death)
Dutchelmbrasier2001 (dutch elm disease)
Annurev.phyto.graniti1 (cypress canker) AnnualReviewGarbelottoGonthier (heterobasidion)
Link to Power Point Presentations
Jepson Workshop 2018