Giant water bugs, river drying, and cross-ecosystem linkages

Former Ruhi lab undergraduate Amin al-Jamal has published a new paper in Ecology: Aquatic top predator prefers terrestrial prey in an intermittent stream! Meet the belostomatid giant water bug Abedus indentatus, the dominant predator in fishless sections of Chalone Creek, Pinnacles National Park, California. Despite living in the water, the study found that water bugs seem to prefer prey from the terrestrial environment. Isolated pools in drying rivers have incredibly high perimeter to area (P/A) ratios, and aquatic predators such as giant water bugs enjoy the increased influx of terrestrial prey! On top of that, prey that fall into the water are less equipped to deal with an aquatic predator. The double whammy of high P/A ratios and increased prey susceptibility in intermittent streams might facilitate this cool feeding preference!

Kendall Archie to begin his MS at Cal Poly Humboldt

Congratulations to Ruhi Lab manager Kendall Archie on his new position as a Masters student at California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt. Kendall will be advised by Alison O’Dowd and is joining a project that seeks to understand the food web responses associated with the Trinity River. Kendall is bringing his benthic macroinvertebrate expertise up north and will examine salmonid food resources and diet. Thank you for being a fantastic lab manager and we wish you the best in your graduate studies!

Welcome, Amanda and Jasmine!

We’re thrilled to welcome Amanda Wik and Jasmine Rios as new Ph.D. students in the Ruhi Lab! Amanda is co-advised with Ted Grantham and will be studying how dam removals in the Klamath River may be able to restore food-web dynamics and ecosystem processes – focusing on cross-ecosystem linkages between the aquatic and the riparian environment. Jasmine is co-advised with Laureano Gherardi and will be studying how increased environmental variation (‘climate whiplash’) from climate change erodes biodiversity in vernal pool seedbanks – comparing responses of animal and plant communities via mesocosm experiments and field observations. Welcome, Amanda and Jasmine – we are so excited to have you!

Kyle Leathers gives his finishing talk on “Effects of Climate Change-Induced Low Flows on Sierra Nevada Stream Ecosystems”

Congratulations to new Dr. Kyle Leathers on delivering his finishing talk! Kyle gave an overview of his impressive dissertation research and successfully completed the ceremonial crossing over Strawberry Creek (in waders). We are lucky that Kyle will be staying on with the Ruhi Lab a couple of months before beginning a postdoc at USGS exploring water quality and algae in the San Francisco Bay-Delta!

Tim Jäger successfully defends his Master’s thesis

Congratulations to Tim Jäger on his magnificent Master’s defense! His thesis examined life-history plasticity of stream insects to future climates in the Sierra Nevada. Earlier snowmelt and return to low-flow conditions will likely lead to earlier peaks and smaller size at emergence. It was not a (chirono)mini undertaking as Tim processed thousands of individuals! We can’t wait to see what this newly emerged MSc flies off to do next!