UC Agricultural Health & Safety Center at Davis
Farm safety research abstracts, news, and AgHealth forum archives to Health & Safety Center
Agricultural Ergonomics Research Center (UC Davis)
The mission of the center is to understand and apply ergonomic approaches to development and evaluation of equipment designs and work practices
that prevent musculoskeletal disorders in agricultural work. Includes research papers.
Farm Safety Program (UC Davis)
Farm safety newsletters mostly labeled by date rather than topic. Information on checking out videos and films from the lending library on
a wide variety of topics related to agricultural safety.
Devoted to the prevention of injuries, illnesses, and fatalities
among those working in agriculture through educational activities,
conferences, regional meetings, and applied
National Safety Council: Agricultural Division
Devoted to the prevention of accidents, injuries and fatalities among farmers, ranchers and agricultural
workers. Articles included.
US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Try EPA search for such topics as "Worker Protection Standard."

CATI Safety Page
Agricultural Safety Resource Guide and other materials. CATI is located on the campus of California
State University, Fresno.
Policy and Procedure manual as well as safety and health requirements for
California employers. Free Cal/OSHA consultation services publications. Free comprehensive publication on farm safety that applies to both growers who directly hire
their own crews as well as FLCs, entitled "Farm Labor Contractor Safety and Health Guide," can
be ordered by calling 1-800-963-9424, sending a FAX to 916-574-2532, or an E-mail to:
Elizabeth Manzo at emanzo@hq.dir.ca.gov.
California EPA Department of Pesticide Regulation
The California Environmental Protection Agency's Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) has
primary responsibility for regulating all aspects of pesticide sales and use. The Department's
mission is to evaluate and mitigate impacts of pesticide use,
maintain the safety of the pesticide work place, ensure product
effectiveness, and encourage the development and use of
reduced-risk pest control practices while recognizing the need for
pest management.
Federal OSHA
Federal safety and health requirements and information on workplace violence and
other topics.
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
Research and recommendations for the prevention of work-related
illness and injuries.
Disaster Handbook (University of Florida)
Emergency preparadness articles on specific disaster topics including stress,
farm recovery, weather related challenges and other topics.
Farm Safety & Health Information Clearinghouse (University of Minnesota)
This page provides information about farm safety and health activities in the USA, and around the world. In
addition, there are links to material safety data sheets (MSDS), farm labor regulations, and
other pertinent agricultural occupational safety and health
information. .