Extraordinary Teaching in Extraordinary Times Award

Albert got an award for developing a new upper division course on Applied time series analysis for ecology and environmental sciences (ESPM 174A), and instructing it for the first time on Zoom via interactive lectures and computer labs. This course offers a hands-on opportunity for students to learn valuable data analysis skills, apply them to real environmental data sets, and develop a final project based on individual research interests.

Ecological resilience over long timescales

Xavier Benito, postdoc affiliated with the Ruhi Lab based at the National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC), just had his main project paper accepted in Limnology & Oceanography! It’s entitled Ecological resilience in tropical Andean lakes: a paleolimnological perspective, and we show results from a range of time-series methods that allow understanding ecological resilience (and different kinds of community shifts) in lake ecosystems over long timescales. Have a look here!


We’re starting the year with great news: the NSF CAREER proposal “Drought and metacommunity stability in riverine networks” was selected for funding! It focuses on how drought may limit dispersal and synchronize stream communities–directly, and by modifying predator-prey interactions. Exciting field experiments at Pinnacles National Park, labs, and time series modeling ahead! So grateful to supportive mentors and collaborators, my amazing research group, and the very special #BerkeleyFreshwater family!

On the human stabilization of river flows

Postdoc extraordinaire Lise Comte (now faculty at Illinois State University) just got this really nice paper published in Global Ecology and Biogeography, entitled “Human stabilization of river flows is linked with fish invasions across the USA”. In this paper we quantified widespread changes in river flow regimes US-wide, and found that such alteration has favored invasions by filtering specific life-history strategies. Notably, high levels of flow stabilization and propagule pressure interacted: where co-occurring, these two drivers were associated with higher fish invadedness levels than expected based on either of their individual effects alone. Check it out!

Welcome to new lab postdocs Travis Apgar & Robert Fournier!

We’re really excited to welcome two new postdocs in the lab: Drs. Travis Apgar & Robert Fournier. They will work on different aspects of our program at Pinnacles National Park, focused on the effects of seasonal and supraseasonal drying on stream invertebrate communities. Robert is joining us from the University of Arkansas, and Travis from UC Santa Cruz. Welcome to Berkeley!

Biodiversity benefits of restoring wetlands

Hi! I am Zhenhua Sun, visiting Ph.D. student in the lab. During my stay I have been gathering data on water quality and macroinvertebrate community composition in ponds and wetlands across the globe. Our study areas and collaborators span Argentina, Canada, France, Ireland, Norway, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, and the US!

In particular, we are asking whether natural, agricultural, and highway ponds differ in the contributions they make to landscape-scale biodiversity. In turn, this could in stormwater pond design, so that these elements of green infrastructure maximize ecosystem benefits.

Stay tuned for a forthcoming paper on the topic!

Updates – Sept & Oct 2019

More soon! 🙂

The lab is growing!

  • We welcome Jessie Moravek and Megan Pagliaro to the Ruhi Lab! Jessie is interested in studying the impacts of hydropower dams, and potential for mitigating them via reoperation and removal; and will be co-advised by Justin Brashares. Megan has been putting together an exciting research project on wetland restoration trajectories in the San Francisco Bay. Read more about them and their inspiring interests!
  • We also look forward to hosting Tadeu Siqueira, Brazilian sabbatical visitor who received a FAPESP grant to research metacommunity dynamics under environmental fluctuations; as well as Ph.D. student Zhenhua Sun, who is visiting this Fall from Sweden to study biodiversity benefits of stormwater ponds. Welcome all!

Busy Spring, exciting Summer