Celebrating Troy Duster, Aug 15

Friday, August 15, 2014

This conference celebrates the life and work of Troy Duster, UC Berkeley Chancellor's Professor (Sociology). Troy's scholarship, public engagement, and commitment to social justice have influenced many within sociology and beyond. An invaluable teacher, mentor, friend and colleague, Troy has inspired generations of social scientists to engage with genetics, race, criminology, and mental health. Nationally, Troy's service has broadened our conceptual framings about ethics and justice. He has been an advisor to the National Academy of Sciences, the National Institutes of Health, the Human Genome Project, and the U.S. Department of Justice. Locally, his engagement in the Berkeley and Oakland community has resulted in key friendships and collaborations with leaders in medicine and law, alongside continuing advisory roles with award-winning documentary film-makers, and the educational component of the slow food movement. Join us for this special event to reflect on Troy's influence and the significance of his work for future challenges.