Seminars by Special Guest Speakers from Chile
Organizers: Adina Merenlender & Miguel Altieri
12:00 Adina Merenlender, UCB/ESPM, “Reflections from Chile & CA vineyard landscapes”
12:10 Olga Barbosa, Universidad Austral, “Promoting land stewardship through ecosystem services valuation in the wine industry”
12:30 Annia Rodriguez- San Pedro, Universidad de Chile, “The effect of the matrix on bat response to forest loss and fragmentation in Central Chile”
12:50 Mauricio Gonzalez, Universidad Austral, “Distribution of grass grub larvae within vineyard blocks at Awatere Valley"
1:10 Carlos Pino, Universidad Catolica del Maule, "Organic viticulture in south central Chile"
1:20 Arturo Labbe, Odfjell Vineyard, “Functional Biodiversity and ecological restoration in Mediterranean vineyards, Maipo Valley, Chile”
1:40 Questions and Refreshments
Cosponsored by the Minister of Education, Chile, in collaboration with the Center for Latin American Studies and the Berkeley Food Institute.