Do ethnomusicologists and musicians have an important role to play in shaping a peaceful and sustainable future for the Nile Basin? Mina Girgis thinks so. During this talk, he will share how a passion for sound ultimately led him to start the Nile Project – a new initiative with a mission to transform the water conflict in the Nile Basin through music, youth leadership and an innovation platform. The Nile River is one of the world's most iconic rivers, forming a complex socio-ecological system wrought with political, environmental, economic, and social challenges requiring a new and innovative approach to better conceptualize and solve the myriad challenges it faces. Mina has developed a musically based model that proposes new ways for Nile Citizens to view themselves and each other and alternate approaches to self-organize in order to transform mindsets and human behavior to overcome cross-cultural tensions and trans-boundary environmental challenges. Join us to find out how you too can contribute to the sustainability of the longest river in the world.