Rising Together, Mar 20

Friday, March 20, 2015

The Coalition of Ethnic Staff Organizations (CESO) is proud to present “Rising Together”, a spectacular morning filled with engaging dialogue and meaningful insights to strengthen the career and professional development of staff of color at UC Berkeley.

The morning's schedule will include three thought-provoking segments:
Keynoter Claude M. Steele, Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost (EVCP) in conversation with Rudy Mendoza-Denton, Associate Professor of Psychology. They will discuss Steele’s seminal research on stereotype threat and self-identity.
A distinguished panel of staff leaders from the four CESO groups will discuss their career trajectories on campus, and share insights and success factors that enabled them to overcome professional challenges and achieve success as staff of color on campus.
Participant reflection and action planning based on the keynote and panel discussions.

This program is free and exclusive to UC Berkeley Staff. The target audience is staff of color on campus.