A UC Berkeley course with live streaming open to the public.
The food system is multi-disciplinary and complex, involving agroecology, agronomy, anthropology, economics, nutrition, sociology, and the arts. In this course, experts on organic agriculture, school lunch reform, food safety, hunger and food security, farm bill reform, farm-to-school efforts, urban agriculture, food sovereignty, and local food economies will offer perspectives making the food system more sustainable and equitable.
Instructor: Garrison Sposito
Co-Hosts: Mark Bittman, Robert Hass
Dates: Lectures will take place on Monday evenings of the Spring 2015 semester, beginning January 26th, from 6:30 to 8:30 PM PST. In person attendance is only open to UC Berkeley students enrolled in the course. (Course # NAT RES/LNS C101)
How to Watch: Stream the lectures live from your computer for free or attend a coordinated screening at the David Bower Center in Downtown Berkeley for $7.00. Previous lectures are archived on the Berkeley Food Institute website. Want to ask the speakers a question during the lectures? Use the hashtag #EE101 on your Facebook or Twitter account to join the conversation.
Sponsors: Edible Education 101 is presented by the Edible Schoolyard Project, UC Berkeley Food Institute, College of Natural Resources, and UC Global Food Initiative with support from the UC Berkeley's Chancellor's Office and the Epstein/Roth Foundation.
PART I – “The Trouble with the Food System”
January 26th: “A Brief History of the Modern Food System” with Michael Pollan
February 2nd: “The Ecological Crisis as a Crisis of Agriculture” with Garrison Sposito and “Linking Farm Policy to Health Policy in the Global Economy” with Marion Nestle
February 9th: “The Hands That Feed You” with Eric Schlosser
February 16th: Presidents’ Day (No lecture)
February 23rd: No lecture
March 2nd: “The Long Green Revolution” with Raj Patel and Mark Bittman
PART II – “Getting Back to the Right Food System”
March 9th: “Mimicking Nature: Woodleaf Farm’s Ecological Design” with Carl Rosato and Helen Atthowe
March 16th: “Of Peaches and Power: Myths, Legends, and the Mundane of Family Farming” with Mas Masumoto, Nikiko Masumoto and Robert Hass
March 23rd: Spring Break (No lecture)
March 30th: “Sustainable Farming through Agroecology” with Stephen Gliessman and Mark Bittman
PART III – “Building the Food Movement”
April 6th: “Fixing a Broken Food System: Some Ideas” with Claire Kremen
April 13th: “Teaching Slow Food Values in a Fast Food World: Who Will Grow Tomorrow’s Food and Who Will Be Eating It?” with Alice Waters, Craig McNamara, and Robert Hass
April 20th: “With Liberty, Justice, and Sovereignty for All” with Anim Steel, Sara Mersha, and Mark Bittman
April 27th: “What’s Next for the Food Movement?” with Michael Pollan and Mark Bittman