Hardly a week goes by without controversy over free speech on college campuses. On one side, there are increased demands to censor hateful, disrespectful, and bullying expression and to ensure an inclusive and nondiscriminatory learning environment. On the other side are traditional free speech advocates who charge that recent demands for censorship coddle students and threaten free inquiry.
In honor of Constitution Day, the Free Speech Movement Educational Programs Committee welcomes the Dean of Berkeley Law, Erwin Chemerinsky. In his new book, Free Speech on Campus, written with Howard Gillman, they argue that campuses must provide supportive learning environments for an increasingly diverse student body but at the same time must never restrict the expression of ideas.
Erwin Chemerinsky is the new dean of UC Berkeley Law School. Previously, he was the founding dean, distinguished professor of law, and Raymond Pryke Professor of First Amendment Law at University of California, Irvine School of Law. His co-author, Howard Gillman, is chancellor and professor of law, political science, and history, University of California, Irvine.
Pleases join us for the University and the FSM Cafe’s annual Constitution Day event as we discuss Free Speech on Campus.
This event is free, open to the public, and all are invited to participate. Sponsored by the University Library’s Free Speech Movement (FSM) Café Programs Committee. For more information: contact fsmprograms@lists.berkeley.edu