This day-long conference will commemorate the thirtieth anniversary of Donna Haraway's "Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of the Partial Perspective." Haraway's work changed the political and intellectual stakes of social and humanistic studies of science. Originally a critique of Sandra Harding's The Science Question in Feminism (1986), Haraway's article has come to take an intellectual life of its own, influencing research in science and technology studies, ethnic studies, and the history of science, among others. "Situated knowledges" as a methodological stance continues to undergird research; as such, we seek to highlight its engagement and revision in current scholarship. This may bring us to a very different understanding of the science question in light of the intellectual and techno/scientific landscape of the last thirty years.
This event gives campus graduate students and faculty an opportunity to present their research to a wide audience and to receive important feedback on their projects. We encourage the attendance of undergraduate students and community members.