How can knowledge of the past be developed and transformed so that it informs understandings of the present and future? The Center for Japanese Studies at UC Berkeley presents the workshop Living Landscapes: Time, Knowledge and Ecology. This workshop invites researchers in archaeology, anthropology, agroecology, sociology and geography to explore the ways in which different forms of environmental knowledge persist through time, are manifest in landscapes, and remain relevant to contemporary sustainability challenges.
Japan, a diverse archipelago with long history of human habitation and environmental modification, rich material cultural traditions and extensive archaeological record, is a special focus area for discussion. Case studies and comparative perspectives from other field areas are also welcome, and the workshop is open to anyone with interest in material culture studies, agroecology and the cultural-ecological dimensions of contemporary sustainability challenges.
This workshop is co-sponsored by the Anthropology Department and the Archaeological Research Facility (ARF), with additional support from the Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Art and Cultures (SISJAC), UK, and the Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN), Japan.
November 9 (Fri.), 2018 (Rm 101, 2251 College Building [ARF]): Abstract Page
1:00-1:15 Introduction and Welcoming Remarks (Junko Habu and Jun Sunseri, Anthropology, UC Berkeley)
1:15-1:40 Simon Kaner (SISJAC): Re-imagining the Shinano: Discourses of Inhabitation along Japan’s Longest River
1:40-2:00 Junko Habu: Continuity and Change in Landscape Practices: Archaeological and Ethnographic Examples from Northeastern Japan
2:00-2:20 Kevin Gibbs (Hearst Museum, UC Berkeley): Changes and Challenges in the Late Neolithic Southern Levant: Excavations in Wadi Quseiba, Jordan
2:20-2:40 Kent Lightfoot (Anthropology, UC Berkeley): Rethinking the Stewardship of Public Lands in California: New Perspectives from Ancient Landscape Management Practices
2:40-3:00 Tea Break
3:00-3:20 Miguel Altieri (ESPM, UC Berkeley): Agroecology, Landscape and Traditional Ecological Knowkedge
3:20-3:40 Mayumi Fukunaga (Sociocultural Environmental Studies, Univ. of Tokyo): Re-wilding Aquaculture: Negotiating and Re-imagining Seascape in Collaborative Local Knowledge Production and Action in Miyako Bay, Japan
3:40-4:00 Daniel Niles (RIHN): Linking the Mental and the Material: Patterns of Environmental Knowledge
4:00-5:00 Discussion (Discussant: Lisa Maher, Anthropology, UC Berkeley)
November 10 (Sat.), 2018 (Gifford Room, 221 Kroeber Hall): Closed Session (RSVP:
9:00-9:30 Introduction (Daniel Niles, RIHN)
9:30-12:00 Discussion