The Entomology Students' Organization is pleased to present the Essig Brunch, UC Berkeley's only entomology-themed seminar series.
Past Events
For a schedule of all our events, seminars, and lectures visit our calendar.
ESPM 2017 Seminar Series - John Harte
"Pattern, Process, and Prediction in Ecology: Where Do We Stand?"
ESPM Freshwater Ecology Seminar Series - Sara Jackrel
"Drivers and Consequences of Intraspecific Trait Variation in River Ecosystems"
Food Industry Networking Event
Opportunities in the food industry are plentiful and diverse –from food justice to food business consulting to food engineering. Start by attending the Food Industry Networking Event on February 15th from 6-8 PM in the Career Center.
MVZ LUNCH SEMINAR: Walt Koenig "The California Acorn Report: The Behavioral Ecology of California Oaks"
MVZ Lunch is a graduate level seminar series (IB264) based on current and recent vertebrate research. Professors, graduate students, staff, and visiting researchers present on current and past research projects.
Plant and Microbial Biology Plant Seminar: "Underground signaling networks"
Welcome to the Benfey Lab!
ERG Colloquium: Paul Baer Retrospective
This special ERG colloquium will celebrate the work of ERG alumnus Paul Baer who passed away on September 6, 2016. Paul was a strong force as an activist scholar and interdisciplinary researcher.
ESPM Freshwater Ecology Seminar Series - Albert Ruhi
"Dynamics and Conservation of Freshwater Communities in the Face of Novel Disturbance Regimes"
Standing Rock Teach-In and Public Comment Workshop
In this meeting, we will be discussing Trump’s executive order on the Dakota Access XL pipeline followed by a public comment workshop.