Paving the Way: California’s Road to Vehicle Electrification
Past Events
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[Science at Cal] Paving the Way: California’s Road to Vehicle Electrification
ESPM Departmental Seminar - Kasey Pregler
Speaker: Kasey Pregler, ESPM Postdoctoral Fellow
Talk title: "Life on the edge: population ecology and conservation in a changing world"
“Come from Away”: Newfoundland and Labrador’s Food Security Dilemma
This presentation illuminates past and current complexities of Newfoundland and Labrador’s unique food system.
ERG Colloquium - Paige Weber
While a growing body of literature documents the disproportionate shares of pollution borne by under-represented and low-income communities, less is known about how environmental regulations and markets contribute to these shares.
ESPM Departmental Seminar - Lily Hsueh
Speaker: Lily Hsueh, Arizona State University
Talk title: "Do Businesses that Disclose Climate Change Information Emit Less Carbon? Evidence from S&P 500 Firms"
ERG Colloquium - Hannah Druckenmiller
As natural disasters grow in frequency and intensity under climate change, limiting populations and properties in harm's way will be one important facet of adaptation.