Research in the Cherry lab is aimed at identifying cellular factors that regulate viral pathogenesis, including factors hijacked by viruses for replication and innate anti-viral mechanisms used by the host to combat the invader.
Past Events
For a schedule of all our events, seminars, and lectures visit our calendar.
California Wildfires: The New Abnormal
To address some of the issues surrounding the devastation of recent wildfires in California, a town hall concerning both short and long-term strategies for preventing and dealing with the fires will be held at the Commonwealth Club.
Christmas Tree Sale, Dec 2-7
Local and sustainably-harvested trees.
Preorders are available until November 29. To preorder, go to:
Essig Brunch: Emily Bick, Graduate Student, UC Davis
This weeks theme focuses on “The use of simulation models to minimize Lygus spp. (Miridae) pests in strawberry agroecosystems”.
How to explore and apply for non-academic jobs panel
Are you interested in exploring job opportunities outside academia? Do you want hear more about how to? Do you want to share tips? Come to the panel!
Climate and Caribou in the Arctic
Dave Gustine, Wildlife branch chief of the Grand Teton National Park, will discuss climate and caribou in the Arctic: insights, challenges, and possibilities for bottom-up effects.
MVZ Lunch is a graduate level seminar series (IB264) based on current and recent vertebrate research. Professors, graduate students, staff, and visiting researchers present on current and past research projects.
Plant and Microbial Biology Seminar: "Regulatory switches for photosynthesis"
Niyogi, who earned his Ph.D. in biology at M.I.T., researches photosynthetic energy conversion in his lab at U.C. Berkeley. The Niyogi Lab uses cyanobacteria, eukaryotic algae, and plants to investigate photosynthetic processes.
Plastic China Screening and Expert Panel Discussion
Following these families’ daily lives, PLASTIC CHINA explores how this work of recycling plastic waste with their bare hands takes a toll not only on their health, but also their own dilemma of poverty, disease, pollution and death.