MVZ Lunch is a graduate level seminar series (IB264) based on current and recent vertebrate research. Professors, graduate students, staff, and visiting researchers present on current and past research projects.
Past Events
For a schedule of all our events, seminars, and lectures visit our calendar.
Plant and Microbial Biology Plant Seminar: "The critical roles of (p)ppGpp in Gram positive bacteria"
Our research focuses on how living systems accurately duplicate and process their genetic information by regulating the central dogma processes of replication, transcription, and translation.
The Food of our Food: Medicated Feed and the Industrialization of Metabolism
This paper explores the history of medicated feed for agricultural animals in the twentieth century as a large-scale remaking of the chemical landscape of the United States.
Wellness Week: Expressive Arts Mandala Activity
Join us on Tuesday and create your own Mandala. Mandalas are an expressive arts activity universally used to promote healing and other positive states of being.
Brown Bag Lunch on Parks, Conservation and Your Career
The Institute for Parks, People, and Biodiversity is excited to announce an opportunity for students to join Jon Jarvis, Sarah Allen, and Patrick Gonzalez for a monthly one hour event where they can ask questions and seek advice about the...
The Hidden Heart of Human Rights
The Berkeley Master of Development Practice will host Molly Melching, founder of the Senegalese NGO, Tostan, for a public lecture.
Freedom in the Colombian Rainforests
The transition from slavery to freedom in the largest region in Spanish America inhabited mostly by black people has been aided by the geography of Colombia’s western rainforests.
Wellness Week: Wellness Tree
Come by 260 Mulford and leaf up our wellness tree by sharing and hanging up a small piece of gratitude in the resource center, find out about this week's events, and learn about campus and community resources.
A Conversation with Marion Nestle and Alice Waters
The U.S food system is byzantine and failing many of our most vulnerable communities, including our children.