All about prions

Sorry about the click bait picture, who can resist Orphan Black? Prions are a type of self-folding protein that triggers other normal proteins in the brains of animals to foldRead more . . .
What’s the smallest number of genes needed for life?

Scientists have pondered the question, what is the minimum number of genes needed for a bacteria, the smallest and most primitive form of life on Earth. Turns out . .Read more . . .
The Miller-Urey Experiment – Chemical Evolution

The Miller-Urey experiment was a simulation of conditions on the early Earth testing the idea that life, or more specifically organic molecules, could have formed by nothing more than simpleRead more . . .
Are the chemicals in your yoga mat messing with your fertility?

Are the chemicals in your yoga mat making it harder for you to get pregnant? No probably not but that didn’t stop Forbes magazine from writing this alarmist click-bait aimedRead more . . .
Your teenage bestie set you up for life

How to write a discourse essay Let’s start with the definitions of what “reasoning” is: inference, a number of thoughts, set out in a logically consistent form (“Dictionary of theRead more . . .
The Darwin-Wallace Theory of Evolution

In 1859 Charles Darwin published, arguably, one of the most important works of science, On the Origin of Species. Many believe that he alone came up with these ideas and thatRead more . . .
Ergot – A poison from the past

Ergotism is caused by the fungus Claviceps purpurea, which infests the grain of rye, wheat, and other cereal grass plants. The fungi produces a witches brew of alkaloid chemicals includingRead more . . .
What’s the weather like on Mars?

After years of studying data from rovers and satellites orbiting the planet Mars, scientists are able to predict the weather on the red planet about as well as they canRead more . . .
Can the Earth’s magnetic field be reversed?

Earth’s polarity, surprisingly, is not a constant. Unlike a classic bar magnet, the source of the the Earth’s magnetic field, a soild iron core surrounded by hot liquid metal, movesRead more . . .