I'm from:
Zhejiang, Southeast China. I completed my undergrad study in Peking University, Health Science Center, receiving a bachelor degree in Medicine.
What brought me here:
I like to explore in the field of human metablism, and conduct research projects that are closely related to people's life, like obesity, diabetes, and aging. Therefore, the MBN program, which aims at the core questions in metabolic biology is very attractive to me. Moreover, the bay area is the most romantic and energetic place in the US.
Current stage in program:
3rd year Metabolic Biology Ph.D. Candidate, Danica Chen Lab
Outside of lab I love:
cooking healthy chinese food, travelling and singing at karaoke!!
My research interests are topics related to metabolic biology, especially obesity, aging, etc. My goal is to find out a way to help people, who were evolutionarily selected to adapt to the nutirent-deficient state, healthily survive in the nutrient-excess society.
Yi Liu#, Zhanlei Ye#, Hanzhi Luo, Peter R. Dunkley, Miao Sun, Mi Li, Lina Wang, Dehua Chui*. (#co-first author) Inhalative formaldehyde exposure enhances aggressive behavior and disturbs monoamines in frontal cortex synaptosome of male rats. Neuroscience letters. doi: 10.1016/j.neulet.2009.06.037
Christopher Hom,* Jie Lu, Monty Liong, Hanzhi Luo, Zongxi Li, Jeffrey I. Zink,* Fuyuhiko Tamanoi* Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles Facilitate Delivery of siRNA to Shutdown Signaling Pathways in Mammalian Cells. Small. doi: 10.1002/smll.200901966