Directions to Blue Oak Ranch Reserve below
**Please allow for a 30 minute (4 miles) drive on gravel road from the reserve gate to the facility.**

GPS is currently not providing accurate directions to the Reserve, so it is important that you follow the driving instructions below.
  1. Please use this Google Map pin to get driving directions. Parts of Highway 130/ Mt Hamilton Road are closed; that pin will route you to Quimby Road off of E Capitol Expy in San Jose.
  2. You will drive on Quimby Road for approximately 7 miles, until you reach Highway 130 (also called Mt Hamilton Road) take a left, drive approximately one mile to the front gate of the Blue Oak Ranch Reserve.
  3. The gate will be on your right side. It is a yellow gate next to a blue post with the address 16070 on it. A member of our team will be at the gate to check you in.
  4. Continue on the gravel road from the reserve gate for 4 miles until you arrive the Blue Oak Ranch Reserve barn. 

This is currently the only way to get to the Blue Oak Ranch Reserve. Keep in mind driving time after the google map pin will be an additional 30 minutes. Please plan accordingly. 

We look forward to seeing you there.