The primary focus of my research is to determine the evolutionary relationships of the eukaryotes and the cellular and genomic innovations associated with the emergence and diversification of the eukaryotic cell.
Past Events
For a schedule of all our events, seminars, and lectures visit our calendar.
MVZ LUNCH SEMINAR: Gil Rosenthal “Mate choice and its consequences in natural hybrid zones”
MVZ Lunch is a graduate level seminar series (IB264) based on current and recent vertebrate research. Professors, graduate students, staff, and visiting researchers present on current and past research projects.
Wellness Week: Wellness Wheel Kickoff
Come by 260 Mulford and spin our Wellness Wheel all week long, share and hang up a small piece of gratitude in the resource center, find out about this week’s events, and learn about campus and community resources.
ESPM Society and Environment Monday Brown Bag Talk Series - Seth Holmes
Seth Holmes MD, Ph.D. author of "Fresh Fruit, Broken Bodies: Migrant Farmworkers in the United States" speaking on "Transitional Agro-Food System and Health: Confronting Inequalities in the Social and Natural Environment"
Berkeley Project Day
As Cal's largest, student-run volunteering organization, the Berkeley Project's aim for BP Day is to simultaneously serve the needs of the city of Berkeley and forge a positive relationship between the campus and community.
ARE Seminar: On a World Climate Assembly and the Social Cost of Carbon
Marty Weitzman is an economics professor at Harvard University, currently researching topics in environmental economics, including: climate change, the economics of catastrophes, cost-benefit analysis, long-run discounting, green accounting,...