WHY HELLO ALL FRIENDS! I'm Jonathan and I'm a third year Molecular Environmental Biology (with a concentration in Animal Health and Behavior) and Art Practice Double Major! As you may or may not have guessed, I find animals so incredibly fascinating, and love to be creative through any means possibly, including but not limited to drawing, painting, SINGING GET READY FOR SOME (beautiful) ACAPELLA, dancing, and photoshopping my friends' heads onto random things! I am also very, very, VERY into Marvel/DC movies, rom-coms, and making weird faces and sounds and being as extra as I can at all times. I'm also currently a mentor in Project SMILE and a dancer in AFX dance and possibly other teams as the semesters go on! Though I was born and raised in LA, I love it at Cal and I will absolutely be willing to answer any and all questions that you have about anything, so come visit me and let's have a wonderful conversation about life and bond!