Ph.D., Economics, Yale University
M.Phil, Economics, Yale University
M.A., Economics, Yale University
B.A. (with high honors), Economics, Michigan State University
“Minding Small Change Among Small Firms in Kenya” (with Lori Beaman and JonathanRobinson) (2014). Journal of Development Economics, vol 108. pp 69‐86.
“Can Minimum Wages Cause a Big Push? Evidence from Indonesia” (2013) Journal ofDevelopment Economics vol 100(1) pp 48‐62.
“Who gets the job referral? Evidence from a Social Networks Experiment” (with Lori Beaman)
(2012), The American Economic Review, vol 102(7) pp 3574‐93
“Learning from the Crowd: Regression Discontinuity Estimates of the Effects of an Online
Review Database” (with Michael Anderson) (2012). The Economic Journal, vol 122(563)
pp 957‐89.
“High Unemployment Yet Few Small Firms: The Role of Centralized Bargaining in South Africa”
(2012) AEJ: Applied Economics, vol 4(3) pp 138‐66.