Ph.D. Agricultural Economics, University of California, Davis
B.A. Economics, University of California at Berkeley
Karp, Larry S., and Zhang, Jiangfeng “Taxes versus quantities for a stock pollutant with endogenous abatement costs and asymmetric information”
Economic Theory Vol.49 pp 371-409 (2012).
Aisbett, Emma, Larry Karp, and Carol McCausland. “Police-powers, regulatory takings and the efficient compensation of foreign and domestic investors”, Economic Record Vol. 86 pp 367 – 383, 2010.
Karp, Larry S. and Jinhua Zhao. “International environmental agreements, emissions trade, safety valves and escape clauses” Revue Economique vol 61 pp 153-182 (2010).
Karp, Larry S. “Do not give up hope for a climate agreement” forthcoming,
Journal of Natural Resources Policy Research.
Aisbett, Emma, Larry Karp, and Carol McCausland. “Compensation for Indirect Expropriation in International Investment Agreements: Implications of National Treatment and Rights to Invest” Journal of Globalization and DevelopmentVol. 1 Issue 2, article 6, 2010.
Karp, Larry and Yacov Tsur. “Time Perspective and Climate Change Policy”,
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management vol. 62 pp 1- 14, 2011
Karp, Larry S. “The effect of learning on membership and welfare in an International Environmental Agreement” Climatic Change,Vol. 110 pp 499 – 505, 2012
Karp, Larry Karp S. “The Environment and Trade” Annual Review of Resource Economics Vol 3, pp 397 – 417, 2011.
Hong, Fuhai and Larry Karp “International environmental agreements with mixed strategy and investment”, forthcoming Journal of Public Economics