Because photos communicate the Rausser College story in a single glance, it is important to always use high quality images, to include photo credit, and to make sure you have permission to use the images you have. The Berkeley Brand site offers some great image styling tips.

Image Permissions

When taking photographs of your class, your research team, or attendees to events, there are some important permissions you should think about. While photos taken at public events are fair game, use the UC Berkeley model release form to get written permission from the subject of more staged photos.

Image Sources

Non-stock images:

The Rausser College communications office is available to take photos in some situations, including headshots and event photos. Contact about potential photo needs. 

Stock images:

  • Foodies feed – attribution not required, all food
  • Gratisography – no attribution required, highly processed images
  • Imcreator – no attribution required, more commercial feeling
  • Jay Mantri – Single photographer, attribution appreciated but not required
  • New Old Stock – Vintage Photos from the public archives, free of known copyright restrictions
  • Pexels – free, limited selection
  • Picjumbo – attribution not required
  • Picography – no attribution required, travel focus and very processed images
  • Pixabay – attribution not required
  • Public Domain Archive – free images in the public domain
  • Raumrot – no attribution, public domain
  • Superfamous – Under creative commons licence
  • Unsplash – attribution appreciated but not required, evocative/editorial images

FAQ on creative commons images