Weng's lab has broad interests in understanding the origin and evolution of plant specialized metabolism at enzyme, pathway, and systems levels, as well as how plants exploit discrete small molecules to interact with their surrounding biotic and...
Past Events
For a schedule of all our events, seminars, and lectures visit our calendar.
Essig Brunch: Dr. Katharina Ullmann, Xerces Society, Sep 2
The Entomology Students' Organization is pleased to present the Essig Brunch, UC Berkeley's only entomology-themed seminar series.
Tour the Bioscience and Natural Resources Library, Sep 2
Drop in for an introduction to the Bioscience & Natural Resources Library.
MVZ LUNCH SEMINAR: Christopher Emerling "Archelosaurian color vision, parietal eye loss and the crocodilian nocturnal bottleneck", Aug 31
MVZ Lunch is a graduate level seminar series (IB264) based on current and recent vertebrate research. Professors, graduate students, staff, and visiting researchers present on current and past research projects.
Plant and Microbial Biology Micro Seminar, Aug 31
Ramamurthi’s laboratory studies fundamental mechanisms that cells use to differentiate and divide in an effort to understand how these processes may go awry during disease.
Quantified: Redefining Conservation for the Next Economy, Aug 31
Google, Apple, Amazon, Uber: companies like these have come to embody innovation, efficiency, and success. How often is the environmental movement characterized in the same terms?
MVZ INFO SESSION: Undergrad and Volunteer Opportunities in the MVZ, Aug 29
Learn about the MVZ Undergrad and Volunteer Program including URAP, for-credit, work-study, and volunteer positions in our research facilities.
A New Frontier for Communicating Science: Social Media, Aug 26
Learn how social media channels can positively engage scientific communities and the public.
Plant and Microbial Biology Special PGEC Seminar
Dr. Steve Whitham's research focuses on soybean defense gene networks, plant-virus interactions, and soybean-soybean rust interactions.
Vigil for Nicolas Leslie, Jul 18
A memorial vigil will be held on Sproul Plaza to honor UC Berkeley student Nicolas Leslie and the others who lost their lives alongside him in the terrorist attack in Nice.