* basic personnel management decisions and processes in agriculture
* legal, technological, and labor market influences, and
* related farm labor issues of public concern.
Over the years, the infrastructure of organizations and professionals offering guidance to farm business operators, labor contractors, and others directly managing personnel in agriculture has grown in size and sophistication, and the Internet has increasingly connected educators, researchers, public agency staff, and advocates with each other and with their agricultural clientele.
As a result, the APMP’s site, http://apmp.berkeley.edu, has evolved into a major community resource for information about practices and regulation of human resource management in production agriculture. The site is now organized to be an effective resource for the practice of human resource management in agriculture. It alsoprovides features for easy, topic-oriented navigation, presentation of timely news, and use of contributions from visitors.
The websites topics include "Keeping Current," "Management Practices," "Law and Agencies," "Labor Market Info," "Associations and Advocates," and "Education, Research, Services."
Within the section "Keeping Current," visitors can post workshops, seminars, conferences, hearings, and other meetings related human resource management in agriculture. Visitors can also engage each other in networking and discussion groups.
The "Management Practices" section offers tools, guidelines, and other information related to major areas of human resource management practice in agriculture.
The APMP was created in 1981 as part of the UC Cooperative Extension system. For more information about APMP, Cooperative extension, or the new website, e-mail Cooperative Extension Specialist Howard Rosenberg.