Kenneth R. Farrell, former University of California vice president for Agriculture and Natural Resources, died following a brief illness in Walnut Creek, Calif., on Jan. 24. He was 87.
“Ken Farrell was a person of rare integrity and courage,” said Henry Vaux, Jr., who served as associate vice president to Farrell. “His successful efforts to decentralize Cooperative Extension and to make the research and outreach activities of the Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources more seamless benefited California's citizens and its agricultural sector enormously. His leadership proved crucial in positioning the Division to remain effective in the subsequent era of declining resources.”
Over the course of his career he authored more than 100 professional papers and articles on his work in agricultural policy, natural resources, international trade and marketing. He received many honors, including elections as president of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association in 1977 and as fellow in 1980. In 1992 he was elected fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and in 2004 his undergraduate alma mater, the University of Guelph—Ontario Agricultural College, established the Kenneth R. Farrell Distinguished Public Policy Lectureship in his honor.
Read the UC ANR obituary.