The header and footer in these templates are editable regions, so the template may be customized for individual addresses, specific research centers, etc. To customize, go to the “View” menu in Word and click on “Header and Footer.”
The black version will reproduce better for faxing and black-and-white photocopies.
For your convenience, a letterhead template is provided below for each department. However, the header and footer are editable regions, so the template may be customized for individual addresses, specific research centers, etc. To customize, go to the “View” menu in Word and click on “Header and Footer.”
The black version will reproduce better for faxing and black-and-white photocopies.
Rausser College Administration (example: Dean’s Office) Download
Rausser College Plain Memo Download | ARE Download | ERG Download
Powerpoint Templates
To customize the bottom right blue region for your own department, group, or project, go to the “View” menu, select “Master/Master Slide,” and put your curser on the spot you want to edit. This will change that region on every slide in your slideshow.
Rausser College General Template 1
Rausser College General Template 2
College Department Bar Example
ARE | ERG | ESPM, ESPM logo option | NST | PMB
We know many staff or students in Rausser College are charged with creating a flyer or poster for event, but don’t have the least idea where to start. We create these templates to help! Download this packaged folder with an In Design file and all the linked images and fonts. Choose from a number of layout options to suit the event or situation for your needs.