Careers for Rausser College Graduates
Here are many routes to a professional career - Rausser's majors prepare you for
and many more! Rausser graduates have gone on to pursue exciting careers in a wide variety of areas.
Check out the Career Center's What Can I do with a Major in....? to find out more about where our grads are now.
Medicine and Health
Going to med school? You need to be unique to stand out. Here's how to do it:
- Choose a major with a specific biological focus that matches your interests and career goals.
- Learn biological principles at the micro, molecular, cellular, organismal, and ecological levels - not just human biology.
- Explore biomedical research, genetics, and biotechnology.
- Get hands-on experience by designing your own independent research project.
- Work one-on-one with the faculty who will write your recommendation letters.
- Earn a Bachelor of Science degree rather than a Bachelor of Arts.
So you should major in:
Genetics and Plant Biology
Microbial Biology
Molecular Environmental Biology
Nutritional Sciences- Toxicology
Nutritional Sciences- Physiology & Metabolism
Rausser's five biology majors offer you all of the pre-requisites you need to get into and succeed in med school or public health.
Law and Business
When you apply to law or business school, your resume must include the following skills:
- Analyze problems using multiple approaches
- Read and write clearly, critically and analytically
- Work well in small groups
- Strong public speaking
And if you care about helping the environment by going into business or law, you will need:
- Knowledge of environmental issues
- Background in environmental law, public planning, and sustainable business practices
So you should major in:
Conservation and Resource Studies
Environmental Economics and Policy
Environmental Sciences
Society and Environment
All three of these majors will prepare you to begin your career in business or law.
Professional Dietetics
To become a Registered Dietitian, students need to earn the accredited coursework, complete supervised practice hours, earn a master's degree and pass the credentialing examination. Berkeley offers a master's degree that meets the first three requirements (coursework, supervised practice and a master's degree) and luckily, many of RCNR and L&S biology major requirements can set you up for success when applying to this program or other dietetics graduate programs!
Candidates typically need:
- A background in foundational sciences such as biology, chemistry, physiology and others.
- Completion of some social science courses, statistics and nutrition courses.
- Understand how culture and socio-economic factors affect human diet and chronic disease.
- Focus on the application of nutritional knowledge to dietetic practice.
- Volunteer or work experience in clinical facilities, research labs, or in the community.
- Earn a Bachelor's degree.
- Consider majoring in (be sure to review the graduate school's prerequisites and choose these for any elective courses)
Professional Forestry
In Rausser College, you can save the world and see it at the same time!
Prepare to become a professional forester:
- Learn ecosystem management.
- Study biology, ecosystem restoration, GIS, fire science, and environmental justice.
- Go to Forestry Field Camp for the best summer of your life.
- Conduct your own research with Rausser faculty.
- Earn a Bachelor of Science degree.
- Take (and pass!) the California professional forester's licensing exam.
So you should major in: