Author Robin D. López at the Tuzigoot National Monument in Arizona, where he traveled to learn about indigenous spaces and past cultures' interaction with the environment. Photo by Ruby E. Reyes and Evelyn Y. Reyes.
As part of the American Geophysical Union’s (AGU) Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee series, ESPM graduate students Robin D. López and Ataya Cesspooch consider the importance of accountability and justice within the field of geoscience and STEM fields more broadly. The AGU Committee seeks to bring forth unique perspectives from underrepresented communities within the geosciences. For López and Cesspooch, this means going beyond the surface to better understand what it means for science to fully embrace diversity and inclusion, and why it is so crucial. “A group of scholars that includes a variety of viewpoints is more likely to develop unorthodox and innovative ideas and solutions to address some of today’s most pressing geoscience problems,” note López and Cesspooch.
Read the full piece here.