Congratulations to plant and microbial biology faculty emeritus Zinmay Renee Sung on being awarded a 2019-20 Scheiber Emeriti Faculty Research Grant. Awarded by the Academic Senate Committee on Research (COR) and established this year, the first-time award goes to faculty emeriti from across campus to pursue projects honoring the 150th Anniversary of Women at UC Berkeley, which marks the decision to admit women to the university in 1872.
Sung’s research project centers on the history of Asian American women, from students to faculty and staff, in regards to their experiences and representation on campus. Through historical record searches and journalistic interviews, the project will assess the evolving social, cultural, and familial environments of such women throughout the history of the University. Sung hopes the project will uplift Asian American women across campus in achieving their goals and contributing positively to society.
During her time as a faculty member on campus, Sung’s research focused on flowering and seed development within plants at the chromatin level. Her research included an examination of the mechanisms behind plant embryo development and an analysis of the role of epigenetics in plant biology.
The research fund honors Harry and Jane Scheiber. Harry Scheiber is a Chancellor’s Emeritus Professor of Law, served on Academic Senate committees for forty-five consecutive years, and was Chair of the Committee on Research in 1991-92 and Berkeley Division Chair in 1994-95.
Learn more about the research grant in the Berkeley Emeriti Times.