Update on the Rausser College Strategic planning process

May 04, 2022
A sticky note attached to a planning board asks attendees how they define community.

A sticky note attached to a planning board asks attendees how they define community during a town hall meeting for Rausser College's strategic planning process.

As part of the Rausser College strategic planning process launched last fall, the College held a Town Hall event on May 2, which included a brief presentation about the status of activities by each strategic planning committee working group as well as an invitation for discussion between working group members and other attendees. 

The College invites additional input from those who were unable to attend or who wish to submit feedback electronically. You can view the presentation video below, along with the presentation slides (here), review the working group progress report slides, and provide your feedback using this anonymous form or by email to Dean David Ackerly <dackerly@berkeley.edu>. Feedback received by May 15 will be most useful for consideration by the working groups.

The full strategic plan schedule is available here