Since the start of the the College's Honors' Program in 1996 and as of Fall 2021, a total of 1095 students have graduated with HONORS from RCNR
Interested in seeing what research projects previous participants have completed in the Rausser College of Natural Resources Honors Program? To see sample Honors Proposals and Theses, view our new digital library of examples here.
Congrats to all our Fall 2022 Honors Students Isaac Aguilar, Courtney Chau, Sonali Pfile, and Jack Weaver, and to our Melis Medalist in RCNR, Sonali Pfile!

Meaghan, Sonali, Isaac, Jack, Courtney, and Sofia
Congrats to all our Spring 2022 Honors Students and to our four Melis Medalists in RCNR
The recordings of the hybrid Symposium Days 1 and 2 are here (May 5th am, May 5th pm, May 6th am, May 6th pm)
Congrats to our 15 Fall 2021 Honors Students in RCNR
The recording of the hybrid Symposium is HERE !
Congratulations to the Fall 2021 Melis Medalists Emily Xie** and Lucy Tian !
** News feature on Emily in Macrosystem Ecology Lab, December 2021, courtesy of Professor Ben Blonder.
Congrats to our 63 Spring 2021 Honors Students in R CNR
Recording of Fall 2020 Symposium
Fall 2019 Participants
Spring 2019
"Dear Professor Sofia,
It has been a great pleasure presenting in the symposium and getting to know you and the CNR advising team more! I really enjoyed this experience and appreciate this opportunity of studying and doing research in the CNR family!
Best Regards,
Shuanger Li, Honors Student, Fall 2018"
"Sofia and Meaghan,
Thank you both for putting together such a great event this morning! I really appreciated the chance to share my work and hear about the work of my peers. My advisor was also very excited.
Jacob Levine
University of California, Berkeley
B.S Forestry and Natural Resources; B.S. Environmental Economics and Policy
Assistant Researcher, Stephens Fire Ecology Lab " * Fall 2018 Melis Medal Recipient Applying to Grad School!