The DeCal Program at UC Berkeley allows students to create and facilitate their own classes on a variety of subjects.  Students who are interested in creating their own DeCal have the opportunity to do so while working with a sponsoring Rausser faculty member.  

The Rausser College deadline for Spring 2025 is October 15th by 5pm.

Facilitators must complete a UCFTR Training Workshop by the Senate's submission deadline.
Please note: You must first submit your completed DeCal packet by the College deadline listed above, not the Academic Senate deadline.
Late applications will not be reviewed.


Reminder! ESPM DeCals should submit their packets fully completed and we will get the Chair's signature for you ( Oct 15th for Spring, June 15th for Fall). For all other departments please collect all signatures prior to submission. DocuSign and similar electronic signatures are acceptable and encouraged.


Rausser DeCals must meet all of the following criteria:

  • DeCal can have a max of 3 facilitators. At least 1 facilitator must be in a Rausser major

  • DeCal must be facilitated by the students who received approval (facilitators may not switch)

  • Facilitator must be a full-time UC Berkeley student (unless approved for lower course load by DSP/academic department)

  • Facilitator must have a min cumulative 2.0 GPA and be in good academic standing

  • Facilitator may only facilitate 1 course per semester

  • Faculty sponsor must be actively teaching in the semester that the DeCal is offered (cannot be on sabbatical/ leave) Sponsor limit: 3 DeCals

  • All facilitators which also include: Teachers, Mentors, Graders, Teaching Assistants and anyone else seeing student information,  must complete the faciliator trainings UCFTR Training Workshop and be included on the original application. Limit 3 per DeCal

Steps to Propose a Rausser DeCal

The student is responsible for completing all paperwork, obtaining signatures, and keeping a copy for themselves.  

Step: Fall  Spring
Student facilitator comes up with an idea for a course and writes a proposal. Prior to June  Summer/early Fall 

Student facilitator reviews the Rausser DeCal Packet Student develops syllabus according to required criteria: must be updated for the current semester, including an outline of course content, a reading list, statement of frequency of class meetings, clear description of assignments and requirements for passing the class including a weekly schedule of topics/assignments covered each day of class, key learning outcomes, method(s) of instruction, and method(s) of evaluation of student performance.

Each student facilitator must attend a UCFTR Training Workshop prior to the semester they plan to teach. Students who do not are not allowed to facilitate a Decal per the Academic Senate.

Prior to June 15th  Summer/early Fall 
Student facilitator approaches an instructor at Rausser, who agrees to serve as instructor of record. The two work together to improve the syllabus. The instructor of record sings the Course Proposal Form and indicating that they have reviewed and approved it. Instructor writes the Faculty Letter of Support. Prior to June 15th Summer/early Fall 

Student facilitator obtains the Department Chair's signature and then submits the CPF form
with the department chair’s signature. * ESPM can send without signature Students must keep a copy of the entire packet for themselves, the College does not keep your original or a copy.

Prior to June 15th Prior to Oct 15
Student facilitator submits the entire Rausser DeCal Packet including all proposal materials to the DECAL SURVEY.  Due June 15 Due Oct 15

The College reviews the proposal. If there are any issues, the College will contact the student facilitator and instructor of record.



Mid to Late Fall

*For Fall DeCals, obtaining signatures before summer break is highly recommended as faculty may not be available in summer.

Next Steps After Turning in Your Completed Application to RCNR

After the College approves your DeCal, you the facilitator, will submit your college-approved proposal to the Academic Senate. 

Summer Mid to Late Fall

Once the course is approved by the Academic Senate the College will send you a course number. It is the facilitator's responsibility to share this number with students for enrollment. 
Student facilitator contacts to list the DeCal on the DeCal website. The College does not manage the website and cannot post your DeCal information to it. This is the only place where Rausser College DeCals will appear (not in the Schedule of Classes). 

Late Summer Late Fall 

How to Avoid Common Mistakes

  • Be sure to check that the weekly schedule outlined on your syllabus matches the Unit Value Worksheet.

  • Make sure that all the facilitators involved in the DeCal (max of 3 allowed) are listed on the Course Proposal Form, Syllabus, and in the DeCal Survey. 

  • DeCal Course Numbers (98 or 198) are based on course content, not student standing. Please consult with your faculty sponsor to determine the appropriate class number based on your DeCal course material. You cannot offer it as both.
  • Planning in advance is strongly encouraged to give adequate time for obtaining all required signatures and to make any updates and revisions after receiving feedback about your application.

For any questions or concerns, please contact Temple Byars at