ESPM assistant professor Trevor Keenan will lead the FLUXNET coordination project, a global network-of-networks measuring exchanges of CO2 and water between ecosystems and the atmosphere.
A novel computing method for studying utility-scale renewable power systems
Energy and Resources Group researchers Duncan Callaway and José Daniel Lara share their open-source modeling approach in a new publication in IEEE Electrification.
Patrick Gonzalez to deliver scientific plenary at the Ecological Society of America annual meeting
An adjunct professor in ESPM, Gonzalez will speak on "Ecological integrity and solutions under anthropogenic climate change" on Tuesday, August 3.
Evolutionary arms race
In a study published in the journal Science, members of the Seed lab unlock genetic mechanisms behind cholera and its viruses.
Bogs, Bugs & Borgs
ESPM Professor Jill Banfield and her team are studying the microorganisms that live in rice paddy soils, with the aim of understanding how they contribute to greenhouse gas emissions—and how to intervene.
Cannabis farms irrigating with groundwater may affect stream flows
A new study from the Cannabis Research Center examined where cannabis growers in California are getting water for their crops, highlighting significant gaps in cannabis cultivation policy.
Berkeley joins Giant Sequoia Lands Coalition
All public and Tribal land management agencies in stewardship of giant sequoias will work together to protect the iconic trees from threats of climate change and catastrophic wildfire.
Assessing the impacts of NST’s Personal Food Security and Wellness course
In two new publications, researchers Susana Matias and Mikelle McCoin focus on diet and food security in students who participated in the integrated-kitchen nutrition course.
Master of Development Practice to join Goldman School of Public Policy
In July, the program will move its administrative home to the Goldman School of Public Policy after nine years in the Rausser College of Natural Resources.
Karl Dunkle Werner to join U.S. Treasury’s Office of Economic Policy
Karl Dunkle Werner, who completed his PhD in Agricultural and Resource Economics this year, will join the U.S. Treasury as an economist in August.
Student Spotlight: Chloe Cho
The recent graduate discusses her interest in agroecology, ecological pest management, and science communications.
Areidy Beltran awarded two national fellowships
A graduate student in the Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management, Beltran received awards from both the Department of Energy and the Ford Foundation.
Analysis reveals global ‘hot spots’ where new coronaviruses may emerge
Paolo D'Odorico, a professor in the Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management, co-authored the new analysis published in Nature Food.
Will the current crop of COVID vaccines provide lifetime immunity?
Marc Hellerstein, a professor in the Department of Nutritional Sciences and Toxicology, is featured in a recent Los Angeles Times Studios episode on vaccination.
How antibiotic-filled poop helps ‘bessbug’ beetles stay healthy
Matthew Traxler, an assistant professor of plant and microbial biology, investigates how the insect protects itself from pathogens.
Running genetic interference
Professor of Plant and Microbial Biology Mary Wildermuth developed technology to help control a harmful grapevine pathogen.
Rodrigo Almeida receives 2021 Lee M. Hutchins Award
The American Phytopathological Society recognizes Almeida, a professor in the Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management, for his research into fruit plant diseases.
Vernard Lewis selected as 2021 ESA Founders' Memorial Lecturer
The emeritus Cooperative Extension specialist will honor Margaret Collins, a legendary entomologist and civil rights advocate, in his address.
Student Spotlight: Adriel Ghadoushi
Ghadoushi, a third-year Society and Environment major and Fung Fellow on the Conservation + Tech track, discusses his projects for societal change and his passion for policy, sustainability, and justice.
Berkeley receives top rating for sustainability achievements
The university ranked 7th highest out of 674 colleges and universities with an active STARS rating this year.