Berkeley's Extraordinary Microscopes
Professor Max Auffhammer honored with 2009 Distinguished Teaching Award
Climate Action, Adaptation, & Job Creation in America: <BR> Lessons from California
David Roland-Holst, professor of Agricultural and Resource Economics at UC Berkeley's College of Natural Resources, will speak on Climate Action, Adaptation, & Job Creation in America: Lessons from California at a spe
UC Berkeley researchers explain key mechanism of inheritance that defies Mendel’s first law of genetics
Report Details Increasing Overweight and Obesity in California
Freshman & Sophmore Seminar Awards
Jim Bundschu on the dawn of California's wine revolution
Green Perspectives: David Roland-Holst
ANR Statewide Conference: Defining Our Future: Putting Science to Work in an Interconnected World
Attention CNR Academics & Staff:
Mice without key enzyme eat without becoming obese
Study Underscores Impact of Court Imposed Water Pumping Restrictions
Sustaining the Harvest: Creating Fine Wines on a Warming Planet
Broccoli compound targets key enzyme in late-stage cancer
The staggering cost of climate change quantified for California
Collaborative Research on the Navajo Reservation
Blowing sand moves across the landscape, coloring the sky with an eerie reddish hue. Sand dunes move, as if alive, slowly but surely burying homes, corrals, feeding stations and pasture lands that lie in their path.
Indonesian biodiversity grant, CNR toxicologist seeks to discover human health solutions in Indonesian biodiversity
Green Policies in California Generated Jobs
From the New York Times: "California’s energy-efficiency policies created nearly 1.5 million jobs from 1977 to 2007, while eliminating fewer than 25,000, according to a study to be released Monday."