Henry James Vaux, an innovator of forestry policy and UC Berkeley professor emeritus, dies at 88
02 Jan 2001
By Catherine Zandonella, Media Relations
By Catherine Zandonella, Media Relations
Alumni gift of $1 million to benefit College environmental management fund
NEWS RELEASE, 12/18/00
Contact: Jose L. Rodriguez (510) 643 7123
Contact: Jose L. Rodriguez (510) 643 7123
CNR professor shares success of sequencing first plant genome

By Catherine Zandonella, Media Relations
CNR Joins in Agricultural Genomics Institute
Governor Gray Davis has allocated $300 million to fund the creation of three new research initiatives on University of California campuses, to be known as the California Institutes for Science and Innovation.
UC biological control expert Kent Daane named assistant Cooperative Extension specialist on Berkeley campus
BERKELEY--Kent Daane, a leading researcher in biological control strategies for California crop pests, has been named assistant Cooperative Extension specialist in the Division of Insect Biology at the UC Berkeley College of Natural Resources.
UC Berkeley entomologists release parasitic wasp June 7 to control insects destroying California's red gum eucalyptus
Berkeley -- California's troubled red gum eucalyptus trees, under attack for the last two years from a fast-spreading insect infestation, may get some relief on Wednesday (June 7) from a tiny Australian wasp discovered by Professor Donald Dahlsten
Patent filed on energy discovery: UC Berkeley and Colorado scientists find valuable new source of fuel
By Kathleen Scalise, Public Affairs
Not even Berkeley kids eat sprouts, says new UC Berkeley report on middle school nutrition
By Kathleen Scalise, Public Affairs
Symposium on pediatric obesity prevention launches CNR Center for Weight and Health
Breakthroughs in nutritional genomics and behavioral research on human dietary needs and habits--not to mention the explosion of fitness programs and purported weight-loss drugs--have failed to reduce the nation's waistline.
State trees might be saved by wasp, CNR researcher discovers
By Kathleen Scalise, UC Berkeley Public Affairs
Joanne Ikeda wins UC outreach award
Joanne Ikeda, a nationally recognized expert on pediatric obesity and the dietary practices of ethnic and immigrant populations, has received the 1999 Outstanding Outreach Award from the University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Re