A recent graduate of the Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management has been named State Director for Rural Development by the Obama administration.
Fight or flight, should SoCal Communities fight to save homes, or flee to escape fires?
William Stewart, a forestry specialist at U.C. Berkeley states that the government is not taking enough preventative measures in removing brush that some say has been collecting for about forty to sixty years.
Regulatory Woes Blocked Flow of Agbiotech Innovations
Regulatory changes enacted a decade ago appear to be responsible for dramatically slowing the flow of quality-improving agricultural biotechnology innovations to a mere trickle, reports a team of agricultural economists and biotechnology experts.
Agroecology, Small Farms, and Food Sovereignty
Global forces are challenging the ability of develop ing countries to feed themselves. A number of countries have organized their economies around a competitive export-oriented agricultural sector, based mainly on monocultures.
In Memoriam: Prof. Ned Sylvester
Edward (Ned) Sylvester, professor emeritus of entomology at UC Berkeley, died on Saturday, July 25. He was 89.
Theory provides more precise estimates of large-area biodiversity
Ask biologists how many species live in a pond, a grassland, a mountain range or on the entire planet, and the answers get increasingly vague.
Tougher controls sought for DNA ancestry testing
As the popularity of take-home DNA kits to trace ancestry or calculate the risk for serious medical conditions grows, there is an increasingly critical need for federal oversight of "direct-to consumer" genetic testing, as well as of the use of DNA s
Non-hominid CSI? Identifying species using tracking tunnels, footprints and computers
ESPM postdoc James Russell and his colleague Reinhard Klette discuss the use of pattern recognition technology to identify the geographical distributions of species, by using tracking cards and tunnels.
Energy Pathways for the California Economy
Looking at a future of rising energy demands, dwindling traditional supplies and gre
Uncovering the complex relationship between the forest and the atmosphere
This month, Nature profiles atmospheric chemist Allen Goldstein, (link - Nature subscription required | PD
Summer haze cools southeastern United States
Global warming may include some periods of local cooling, according to a new study by researchers at the College of Natural Resources.