FC Meeting 10/14/15

Officer Announcements

  • Logging Sports: cal conclave coming up (10/24-25). Even if you’re not on the team, come! It’s fun! Meet people you’ll be working with. Forestry community <3. We have space. Practice Sunday @ 10. axe rehandling. Big game Rally - later this fall. will oski have an axe? sell hella shirts

  • SAF: flights, registration sent in, air bnb locked down, busses are set-- our travel day to Baton Rouge is a bit rough… but it’s all good (leave berkeley to get to SFO at like 7:30 or so, get to Baton Rouge the next day by 2 pm) flight out from new orleans is at 7:25 am, maybe just get a few hotel/motel rooms considering we’ll already have our sleeping bags and stuff

  • Bean Feed: next wednesday (10/21), or wednesday after (10/28) will send out doodle.

  • VP: Most likely the 5th for the Christmas tree cut

  • Treasurer: spent money on the AirBnB and plane tickets to SAF

  • Memorabilia: Closets looking really good. Organized now. Bean Feed box. Looking into pint glasses



  • FB page. Somebody needs to post about Stump the Forester.

  • Main Seminars: Speakers focus on applied topics. 4:00pm-5:00pm every Thursday 103 Mulford.

  • It was Alan’s bday last week. yay


Member Announcements

  • Missouri Lounge Friday night. Send out FB announcement when we are on our way.


Wednesday, October 14, 2015