Welcome to the Office of Instruction and Student Affairs (OISA), home of the lauded Rausser College Undergraduate Advising Team!  Located in 260 Mulford Hall, OISA offers multiple forms of advising services for students which you can learn about below.  For general questions, please email advising.rcnr@berkeley.edu.

Peer Advising Leaders (PALS):  The Peer Advising Leadership (PAL) Program of the Rausser College of Natural Resources strives to offer personal viewpoints and experiences to current and prospective students. These students are trained in understanding college and University requirements, policies, and procedures, and are available to answer questions through our Virtual Front Desk and via email during the Fall and Spring term.  For more information about Rausser College PALs and how to contact them, visit their page.

Drop-In Advising: Each advisor offers Drop-In Advising hours weekly.  Drop-In Advising is meant for quick questions that should not take more than 10 minutes in length.  For a longer advising session, please make an appointment with your advisor.  (See Advising By Appointment below.)  For Drop-In Advising, if you are declared within or are intending to declare a specific RCNR major, it is recommended that you meet with the advisor for that specific major.  (See College Advisor profiles below.)

To meet with advisor through Drop-In Advising:

  1. Consult the Advisor Availability Calendar for hours that your advisor is available.
  2. Click on the “Virtual Drop-In Advising” link within the Advisor Availability Calendar during the appointed Drop-In Hours.
  3. Fill out the Virtual Advising Check-In Form to receive the link to the Drop-In Advising Zoom session.  Be sure to SUBMIT the form after opening your Zoom Session.

Advising By Appointment: Each advisor offers Advising Appointments each week.  Advising appointments are meant for longer discussions, instead of quick questions that can be answered through email or Drop-In Advising.  Appointments are scheduled usually well in advance and can fill up quickly. 

To schedule an Advising Appointment:

  1. Consult the Advisor Availability Calendar for hours that your advisor is available.
  2. Follow the instructions on the Advisor Availability Calendar to schedule your appointment.
  3. After you have scheduled your appointment, you will receive a confirmation email from your advisor with a link to the Virtual Advising Check-In Form.  Fill out the Virtual Advising Check-In Form to receive the link to the Advising Appointment Zoom session.  Be sure to SUBMIT the form after opening your Zoom Session.

For general inquiries, please check out our Virtual Front Desk.

Conservation and Resource Studies (CRS)

Ecosystem Management and Forestry (EMF)

Environmental Economics and Policy (EEP)

Environmental Sciences (ES)

Genetics & Plant Biology (GPB)

Microbial Biology (MB)

Molecular Environmental Biology (MEB)

Nutritional Sciences & Toxicology (NST)

Society & Environment (S&E)

Undeclared Major Advising

Conservation and Resource Studies (CRS)

Energy and Resources Group (ERG)

Environmental Economics and Policy (EEP)

Food Systems (FS)

Forestry and Natural Resources (FNR)

Geospatial Information Science and Technology (GIST)

Nutritional Sciences (NS)

Summer Minor in Sustainability

Assistant Director of Advising Operations
