FC Meeting 10/28/15


Officer Announcements

  • Bean Feed: Bean Feed Today at 5:30PM. Need help setting up. Costume party! Winner of best costume gets a prize.

  • SAF: SAF next week! Sent out an email with logistics. Prepare! Look up available jobs, need cover letters/resume for each job. Come with multiple copies of resumes/transcripts. Weather is expected to be hottish and wettish so prepare for that. We’ll all hold hands and use the buddy system while we’re there so we don’t get lost.

  • Treasurer: $4,100 in account after expenses. Pay dues if you haven’t paid yet.

  • Vice President: Looking for a cabin in Blodgett. Waiting for SPI to tell us where to cut. The 11th of November is Wiffle Ball day!

  • Logging Sports: We did really well. A lot of people placed. No practice this weekend. Rally coming up on November 18th.12:10-1:00PM in front of Sproul steps. Events - chopping (underhand) jack and jill. Chainsaw, cut down a tree.  Instead of having a meeting, let’s have a rally! Will send an email.

  • Memorabalia: Price estimate for bottle opener is unsure at the moment. Will have a sample next club meeting.



  • General Announcements:

    • Donations. You can donate at the rally or to Schwabacher Fund (it funds forestry camp)

    • FC Video. Want to interview people ASAP

    • Looked at Bear cuzzis, only 65 cents each if you buy 100.


Wednesday, October 28, 2015