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FC Meeting 10/28/15
Officer Announcements
Bean Feed: Bean Feed Today at 5:30PM. Need help setting up. Costume party! Winner of best costume gets a prize.
SAF: SAF next week! Sent out an email with logistics. Prepare! Look up available jobs, need cover letters/resume for each job. Come with multiple copies of resumes/transcripts. Weather is expected to be hottish and wettish so prepare for that. We’ll all hold hands and use the buddy system while we’re there so we don’t get lost.
Treasurer: $4,100 in account after expenses. Pay dues if you haven’t paid yet.
Vice President: Looking for a cabin in Blodgett. Waiting for SPI to tell us where to cut. The 11th of November is Wiffle Ball day!
Logging Sports: We did really well. A lot of people placed. No practice this weekend. Rally coming up on November 18th.12:10-1:00PM in front of Sproul steps. Events - chopping (underhand) jack and jill. Chainsaw, cut down a tree. Instead of having a meeting, let’s have a rally! Will send an email.
Memorabalia: Price estimate for bottle opener is unsure at the moment. Will have a sample next club meeting.
General Announcements:
Donations. You can donate at the rally or to Schwabacher Fund (it funds forestry camp)
FC Video. Want to interview people ASAP
Looked at Bear cuzzis, only 65 cents each if you buy 100.
Wednesday, October 28, 2015