FC Meeting 1/27/2016

  • New Merch: Key Chains are $3.50 for club members, $6 for non-club (or $5? Prices seem flexible).
  • Discussion: Ricky is representing Forestry Club on a panel of students at NorCal SAF this Saturday. Wants club feedback on what he should talk about.
    • SAF Panel Topics:
      • Student Perspectives of the role of the profession in assuring sustainable forests in the Next Five Years:
        • Incorporation of costs into ecosystem services.
        • Increasing public awareness.
        • Better marketing strategies to rebrand the profession
      • Threats and Challenges to Increasing Sustainability
        • Forestry profession in decline as technological/ multidisciplinary needs of the field increase. 
        • Educational approaches
          • Necessity of a broad education.
          • Recruiting at community colleges: targeted towards environmental studies classes.
          • Disconnect of SAF and young foresters: Appeal of innovative SAF speaker, Need to work on our promotional videos (started last semester).
      • How can SAF support professional foresters?
        • Continuing education
          • Is this addressed through the national convention? What about at the regional level?
      • What level of commitment would the club be willing to head up?
        • Connor Stephens, Oz willing to work on/ head-up the community college outreach!! (<<--- Exciting)
        • Sophia has phone conference coming up with the executives of NorCal SAF, can bring it up.
        • SAF should supply the materials, talking points, delegate two local representatives to help. SAF should take responsibility for their image.
  • Officer Announcement
    • Treasurer: Jacob
      • Pay Club Dues! $5
    • Bean Feed: Alani and Ben
      • Bean Feed next Wed. (2.3.2016) 5 p.m. Mulford (if paperwork goes through).
    • Logging Sports: Justine
      • Late start Logging Sports this Sunday (11 am).
      • Sierra Cascade is Feb 11th-13th, if you want to come (all inclusive!). She’ll send out a list of who’s coming.
      • Looking to host a logging sports weekend with other teams and alumni. Can people commit to coming out and helping/ BBQ? It’ll de fun.
      • Join Logging sports!
    • President: Sophia
      • Let her know if you want to come to SAF, still not too late to register. Will be so much fun!!
      • All officers need to update the website with the roles of their position. Sophia will send out the link.
    • Memorabilia: Connor
      • Closet clean date coming up, watch for his email.
    • VP: Alan
      • Humberk Camping trip: inviting Cal Poly and Humbolt ForClub too
      • Will send out a Doodle ASAP about dates.
      • Sloshball: Alan will send out doodle/ set date.
      • Taco Tuesday—every Tuesday!!!


Wednesday, January 27, 2016