FC Meeting 3/2/2016


  • Bean Feed: Alani, Ben, Noam

    • Please volunteer for Brownies and Cornbread

    • Noam is making salad

    • Bean Feed is next thursday 3.10.2016

  • Memorabilia: Connor

    • Decals, let him know if you want to buy one

    • Firesale of centennial gear, it’s all ready!!!!

      • Will organize a shipping party

      • Big success with out-of-staters and XXLS!

      • Will do google form in future

  • Treasurer: Jacob

  • VP: Alan

    • Humboldt has reserved the site

    • Not sure which night they reserved

    • Dodgeball tonight against WolfHaus

  • WebMaster: Maya

    • Not sure if she can make it to meetings this semester, wondering if we’d like to nominate someone else.

    • Does someone want to get involved and take on this responsibility? Email Sophia.

  • Logging Sports: Ricky and Justine

    • BearClave April 2nd.

      • How do people feel about committing to this? Doing the miscellaneous small stuff.

        • Will start a spreadsheet or list so that people can sign up for tasks (i.e. getting porta potties).

      • Just got insurance approval.

      • Got $500 from Stihl for putting their name on our shirt. Getting more inkind or monetary donations.  

      • Be cautious with outreach.

      • SAF may want to help with volunteers and food.

        • Otherwise we will need help with food. What will we do for dinner? Potluck style. Will need to bring everything. Grillin’
          • Expectation: 50 competitors.

          • Jacob will brew a keg.

          • Anyone interested in redwood regionals?

            • Justine will not go alone, but will go otherwise. Let her know!

              • Burling will be there!

  • Other Announcements:

    • Thoughts on starting a Google Drive folder to compare Forestry classes we like, upload resumes so that people have examples to go off of? Yes, sounds good.

      • Career center also a good resource

    • Ben: Maybe having grad students come in and talk about grad applications and their research? Yes. Also, talk to kevin!

Wednesday, March 2, 2016