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February 11th, 2015
Officer announcements
Bean feed: The first bean feed is Thursday of next week on March 19th! Pay your dues if you wanna come and eat/drink/be merry! Also if you bring friends have them pay a couple $$. Invite your professors! Alani will make cornbread, Brit will make brownies yay.
Also we are going to do a bay area SAF bean feed in April! SAF people will come and there will be a lecture. Good networking opportunity. More info next week.
Logging sports: Justine, Rhianna, Ricky and Allison went to Sierra Cascade for free. It was super fun and we competed with other schools woo! There were demos of equipment and wildlife shows, etc. Come next year even if you aren’t in logging sports! Also Come to theOregon competition Feb. 28th. AWFC is a fun competition that’s the week before spring break – March 17-20. (you’ll have to miss school).Practice on Sunday at Russell (10 am). Email buckingbears for a ride. Jon Perrin may come the following week to teach us how to climb trees!
Publicity (Amber): We’re gonna work on the bulletin boards.
Timber: Still trying to find a concrete time to meet. Hopefully by next week we will send out emails asking for photos/articles. Consider contributing, esepecially if you just went to camp.
FIELD TRIP: will be March 13th – a Friday afternoon. To the Richmond field station. They have a wood library. Demo of machine to test compression strength of wood (ooh), discussion of alternative wood products, etc. It’ll be a good introduction to what you do with wood after you get it out of the forest.
Young$cash$$$$: we still have ~$11,500 in the account, but we’re going to reimburse some ppl who went to the SAF convention in SLO. Pay your dues to Madeline.
Vice pres: We are gonna camp with Humboldt state forestry club sometime in April. No official date yet.
Kevin says: There is a forestry honors society! Has existed for many decades. It’s a national organization (low activity level) and it’s part of the club. It’s being re-invigorated this year! You can join if you’re jr/sr in forestry and have minimum GPA of 3.0. Oh and you also have to carve a wooden axe for yourself and get 10 signatures on it from existing members??? You can get a certificate for $10. It’s something to put on a resume so keep it in mind. And we have spring semester activity. For a jump start: Kevin, Nico, and Ricky are all members (hunt them down).
Current events: In India – near the Himalayas. Lots of illegal logging/overhunting. Groups of women (active since 1980s) are all activists against illegal logging/destruction of biodiversity through overhunting. Yay active women in environmental endeavors!
Another current event: Last week was Tu B’Shvat - the Jewish tree holiday. Harvest/fruit/plant/tree celebration.
Rhi: How the heck do we update the website calendar?
Ricky: Calendar is broken, we’re working on it.
Memorbilia: Luke isn’t here today.
Meeting adjourned!
Wednesday, February 11, 2015