February 4th, 2015

Forestry Club Meeting Minutes: February 4, 2015
• Forest Service Rep is coming Feb 18th
• Timber Stuff
• Rhianna, Trees, and Rocks
• Young Money- Cash Money’s Record
• Current Event!
• Officer Announcements
- Camping
- Bean Feed
- Logging Sports
• Ricky has something to say
• Career Anxiety (and what to do about it)
• Other Stuff
Forest Service Rep
• The FS is coming on February 18th (during regular club time) to talk about JOBS. Come with questions 
Timber Stuff
• Timber people to meet and go over things after today’s meeting
Rhianna, Trees, and Rocks
• Rhianna is going to set up a meeting between Forestry Club and Geology Club. This is a great opportunity to have fun, exchange knowledge, network, and make some new buddies 
• Also, there is a fire safe group on campus, and we should totally connect with them as well
Young Money- Cash Money’s Record 8-)
• CURRENTLY, we have eleven thousand four huuuundred… annnnd something dollars (sorry guys, I don’t remember exactly) in our account
• We have made 49 cents in dividends this week!
• Also, we have about $10,000 in merchandise! That means we have about $20,000 in total! Whaaa, we makin’ baaank! We should do something fun.
• Quick note: If you went to the winter SAF meeting and need to be reimbursed, we are totally on that. Email/talk to the club pres Maddy (g.madeline@berkeley.edu) or the treasurer Ryley
• Another quick note: Pay yo club dues (only 5 bucks)
Current Event!
• So there is this awesome talk today (110 Barrows, 4-5:30pm) “Linking experiments and models to advance prediction of dynamic forest responses to climate change” by Lara Kueppers, an ERG Faculty Search Candidate, Research Scientist at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and Assistant Research Scientist at UC Merced. Maybe we can get a quick recap from someone who attended during next week’s club meeting?
Officer Announcements
Bean Feed
• We can’t have the Bean Feed next week, but Thursday the 19th is proposed. A doodle will be sent out to gauge availability.
• Fridays are no bueno because, generally, faculty aren’t available (which is important for alcohol permitting? I don’t know)
• Also, super important, help is needed to move stuff for the Bean Feed! If you’re free on the Thursday the 19th before 5:00pm let the coordinators knooow. (a.erny@berkeley.edu)
Logging Sports
• There will be no practice this Sunday because of Sierra Cascade
• Potential tree climbing SOON!! Lessons taught by John, the TA from Forestry Camp! More details to come!
• First off, thanks to everyone that helped with taking inventory last Friday. You guys are the sweetest.
• If anyone wants buy some awesome merchandise (sweater, shirts, hats, belt buckles, etc) talk/email Luke (lwalcher@berkeley.edu)
• As mentioned above, we have about 10,000 dollars in merchandise. That is incredible. Also, we need to get on our selling game.
• We are running out of pint glasses and belt buckles, should we buy more?
Ricky has something to Say
• Fieldtrips! Which one??
a.) Cogen facility in Oakdale
b.) Richmond Field Station (includes a wood library and a host of interesting testing devices) Also, John Shelly can give a short presentation about something relevant
c.) Tour of a lab in Berkeley that has a gasification unit. (What is gasification, you ask? According to wiki it is “a process that converts organic or fossil fuel based carbonaceous materials into carbon monoxide, hydrogen and carbon dioxide. This is achieved by reacting the material at high temperatures (>700 °C), without combustion, with a controlled amount of oxygen and/or steam.” They have open houses once a month, perfect 
Career Anxiety (and what to do about it)
• Should we have a “How to Write a (well-written) Resume” workshop?
• Rhianna has volunteered to send out some super helpful links to career center resources
• An idea to set up a Google doc folder to peer edit resumes was proposed
• Kevin has offered to review your resume as well!
• If you’re not sure how to dress for your interviews, check out the PowerPoint that was sent out for the SAF Convention last semester. It’ll give you a pretty good guideline.
• Not entirely related- but still super important- Maddy has offered to send out a handout about how to read scientific articles
• Good luck to those who have interviews! You guys totally got dis 
Other Things
• In the spring semester, Humboldt and Berkley forestry students usually go on a camping trip together  This year we’ll be camping somewhere near Fort Bragg. Some proposed dates:
o March 13th-15th
o April 11th-12th
o April 25th-26th
• Let’s update the push pin boards! (There are two, one next to the elevator and one in 260 Mulford study place)
• TIL (Today I Learned) 10 chains is equal to a furlong (201.16800 meters). From the ever-useful wiki, “Dating back at least to early Anglo-Saxon times, it originally referred to the length of the furrow in one acre of a ploughed open field (a medieval communal field which was divided into strips). The system of long furrows arose because turning a team of oxen pulling a heavy plough was difficult.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Furlong

Wednesday, February 4, 2015