January 28, 2015

Forestry Club Meeting Minutes: January 28, 2015
• New officers/Announcements :)
• Ricky’s Field Trip
• Claudia (and how to help her out)
• Last weekend SAF (recap!)
• Other Stuff
Officer Announcements
• If you have any pictures to put on the website, send them over ASAP!
• If any officers want/need access to edit the website email Ricky (ricksatomi@berkley.edu)
Bean Feed Coordinators
• Should we switch our Bean Feeds from Thursday to Friday? (A vote was taken, and yes, yes we should).
• Dates to be determined!
Logging Sports
• Many upcoming events for the Logging Sports: Sierra Cascade is next week and another competition on Feb 28th ! Check your email!
• So we finally have a working merchandise section for our website (yay!) but a lot of work has yet to be done. Luke needs help updating the system (going through the merchandise we have). If you’re free this Friday 2-4pm meet up at the forestry closet in Mulford to do some inventorying.
Ricky’s Field Trip
• There is a ton of fun, forestry-related things to do, so let’s do them. Some ideas discussed:
- Let’s go tour the Richmond Field Station. From their website: “Located on the San Francisco Bay six miles northwest of the central campus of University of California, Berkeley, the Richmond Field Station (RFS) is an off-site academic facility used primarily for large-scale engineering research since 1950. The 152-acre property consists of 100-acres of uplands with the remainder being marsh or bay lands.” http://rfs.berkeley.edu/
That sounds dope, yo. The Richmond Station also has a wood “library” with draws filled with wood all over the world and a fun machine thing that tests wood quality. Has there ever been anything cooler? No.
- We can host a lecture by John Kelly, who is an extension specialist that works with wood. Think about the lecture possibilities! They are endless.
- There was also another option discussed, but, unfortunately I have forgotten it. But fret not my dear, there will be an email with more details soon.

• We love Claudia and therefore it is our duty to help her out with the Timber (aka- our yearbook, includes articles reviewing forestry-related events and fun pictures)
• We NEED 1 to 2 people to help out with this (preferably people who went to camp this past summer but ANYONE (everyone) is encourage to pitch in. It will be fun.
• So far, Lilah and Justine are considering it. Luke will give you the layouts for everything, so it should be easy (and, again, fun.) Maybe I’m overstressing this fun point, but seriously. Want to help set it up? Email Claudia (claudmorales@berkeley.edu)
Winter SAF Recap
• SAF meeting was in San Luis Obispo, consisted of a day of talks centering around carbon and carbon credits, wood products, sivilculture, general forest management, and urban forestry (from a carbon perspective of course). It was super fun and informative
Other Stuff
• Club dues are five dollars, pay up yo. If you pay your dues, your good wit the bean feeds (aka you no pay). Also if you bring friends to feed on some beans, tell em to donate some dollars.
• Hannah and Maddy are co-teaching an awesome decal: John Muir- An Introduction to ADVENTURE on Thursdays from 2-4pm. How awesome does that sound? Sign up if you wanna be cool… and adventurous.
• What shall we do about Cal Day? There is a fieldtrip on April 18th for ESPM 134, so if you aren’t in that class then talk to Rhiana so you can help out!
• GUYS! Current Events (forestry-related!)! Currents Events recap at meetings are now a thing! Today’s current-events-in-forestry come from the Journal of Forestry
- Tree maps from 1884 have just been digitized. The maps were made by this cool dude Charles Sprague Sargen who was a 1st generation American pro forester. His maps are super important and serve as a basis for policies and species densities and distributions today. For more reading, check out this article: http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_vault/2015/01/09/history_of_american_fore...
- Bring in current events next club meeting, so we can wonder over the amazing world of forests and tree stuffs.
• Cal fire interviews are next Thursday (good luck guys!). There is talk of setting up a study/review session to go over possible questions. Cal Fire refers to their interviews as “oral exams,” so be sure to study up. Some previous questions asked about current going-ons in forestry and how global climate change is impacting our forests and forest management. Other questions are very practical (ie. What are two things you put in a chainsaw? Answer: gasoline and bar oil). Email Hannah (hmmiller@berkeley.edu)
Advice from Kevin on how to ace this interview: Find out about Cal Fire beforehand, sound super interested and be outgoing.
• Also! Don’t forget to apply to Edison and Collins Pine! Allison will send out an email with info to apply.
Have a greeeat rest of the week!

Wednesday, January 28, 2015