March 18th, 2015


*    Axes due FRIDAY! Report SAF ring size

*    Recap: Field Station, Seminars

*    Officer Announcements and Other Things

Xi Sigma Pi AXES

*    So get your axes in now!! I mean Friday. And send Kevin your SAF ring sizes if you haven’t already

 Recap: Field Station and Seminars

Field Trip

*    So the Richmond field station is a grave yard.

*    After a pause, Maddie interjects: “Well, what they use to do was super cool. The forest products lab was legit. There was a really cool wood library and a machine that tests the breaking point of a piece of wood. It was cool to see something that isn’t part of campus anymore.”

*    After another pause, Ricky interjects: “Biomass policy, bio energy, there is more to forestry than timber and carbon! There’s more products and services, don’t feel loped into getting becoming an RPF!”

*    These are paraphrased actually.


*    Monday forestry talks are interesting, you should go to them.

*    Example: Joe’s talk about eucalyptus- is it a weed or a natural part of the ecosystem?

*    Bagels and coffee?? Monday seminars, bagels and coffee!

CAL DAY Saturday, April 18th

*    We should start thinking about Cal day (April 18th Saturday) we need people to sign up for shifts (from 9am-4pm) IT’S SUPER IMPORTANT that people sign up! We need to sway young high school minds!! “We should start our kids off young.”

*    Ideas: We should do tree tours!! YES! This is an awesome idea!! We gave out seedlings in the past, let’s do that! These are solid ideas here. Think of more ideas.

*    Don’t forget to emphasize logging sports, 4/5th of the team is graduating.

*    Rhiana is going to send out a doodle survey to sign up for shifts


Officer and Member Announcements

Humbolt Camping Trip

*    Two options: 11-12th and 25-26th those two weekends. Is everyone cool with it? Going to be a Friday, Saturday, Sunday thing. Around fort brag in Jackson

*     Put your name in google doc with the car you are riding in (to be sent out)


  1. *    we are getting together to write articles (location TBA)

*    Submit your Timber cover designs to by April 15th

*    SEND in photos that need to be in the timber

*    Whose writing what articles??

Bean Feed

*    SAF bean feed after spring break, need some help (email to be sent out) Start 5:30pm!! April 1st

*    New Campers Bean Feed, April 27th, Monday


*    Still stuff to sell, buy it. BUY. We are going to sell stuff on Cal Day.

*    We have kid sizes. Adorn your little friends in flashy forestry fashion!!


*    We should consider hiring someone to do technical web stuff

*    There are clubs on campus that are set up to teach these skillz

*    Lilah will come up with a list of names (of people who can help with these web things)

Logging Sports

*    It’s the last practice! There’s going to be one more “clean up” practice. We need everyone out there, clean up debris, take out trees, setting up arena, moving, digging, nailing, screwing WORK, come help


Wednesday, March 18, 2015