Meeting 9/16/15

FC Meeting 9/16/15           


           Ricky: Logging sports again on Sunday 10am. I’ll make sure it get’s on list serv.

           Ben: Thanks for filling out survey. Fill it out if you haven’t yet, fill out the survey. Flying out Saturday morning $150 cheaper. It’ll come out of pocket if you want to leave later.

           Discussion: Maybe go with cheaper option so we can have more people. Cheapest option is fly out Saturday morning.. Maybe Monday night? Sunday is more expensive.

           You don’t have to go to the quiz bowl unless you really want to be there Tuesday.

           B: “Kevin, are you going to SAF?” Kevin: “Yes.” B: “Are you staying with us in the Air BNB”.. Kevin: “Hell no.”


Officer Announcements

           First Bean Feed Next Wednesday.. 5:30pm Bring bowls, Cups, Silverware! If you bring a friend, ask them to donate a few bucks to the tip jar if they eat. If you make food to bring, we will reimburse. Email B if you want to help out.

           Claudia: Forestry related events: Take pictures during events and email them.

           Alan: Start a wiffle ball league. FC 15 will take y’all down.

           Maybe two Wednesdays from now we will do a closet clean. Pint glasses? Yes! Stines not as popular as pint glasses. Bottle opener Key chains. If you have any logos, email them to memorabilia. Fritz hall T-shirts. Problem is that inventory is too large for us to store all the stuff. Need help making shelves for storage. Popular idea: start selling things at a discounted price.

           Treasurer: Same money as last week. Pay dues. Next week is the last week. October 2nd Cal Alumni Foresters annual banquet. Seminar at 4pm Clark Kerr Campus (open to the public). At 5:30pm social hour. 6:30pm is the banquet. $10 for students. Huge Party at Sophia’s house afterward.


More Announcements

           Constitution, 2/3rds need to be here to vote to amend it.

           2 Cal Alumni’s houses burned down in Butte Fire. Al wants their years Timber. Opportunity to help. Motion to donate $200 + 83 & 84 Timbers to these alumni. Unanimous vote in favor of motion.

           Logging Sports team apply for funding from ASUC. Need 2 volunteers, Alani & Harrison.

           Think about fixing the website.

           Shout out to Rick for dedicating time to maintaining the website.



Wednesday, September 16, 2015