FC Meeting 2/10/2016

Scott Stephens- Xi Sigma Pi

  • forestry frat (junior or senior above 3.0 gpa, can become a member)
  • started at UW in early 1900s. berkeley branch
  • interested in joining? above 3.0 forestry majors
  • create an axe blank (piece of wood you carve into an axe) - get 10 signatures from xi
  • Axe blanks upstairs
  • sigma pi members, pizza party, certificates
  • good, exciting thing to do
  • it isn’t too late to join fire ecology, but you gotta catch up on a few labs. it’s possible. only in the spring

SAF Bean Feed- March 10

  • it’ll be chill this time- good speaker. bean feed first, then speakers, then they’ll have meeting (after we are done)
  • bean feeds are fun
  • cooking party
  • sponge cake, half-baked brownies too

Treasurer - dues are $5

  • some people paid dues, some people did not
  • if you didn’t, please do
  • $5

Closet Clean @ 10 AM on Wednesday, February 17

  • there will be beer
  • an inventory will be conducted
  • STICKERS - car stickers
    • graphic traffic, too expensive though

Logging Sports

    • bucking stands are done!
    • site development every practice
    • cool sign is up!
    • building choker course next weekend
    • axe throw stands
    • pulp toss
    • 2 alumni work party days (probably saturdays)
  • join logging sports!!!
    • the site is by lafayette in Russell experimental forest
  • it looks great!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alan, the Vice President

  • WIFFLE BAWL: 28th is a sunday in February. the last day in February
  • Taco Tues: every tuesday, if you go out with other place, let the club know
  • “Humberk is just for the deciders” - Dictator Sophia

Additional Announcements

    • we have more spots
    • Wednesdays between 8 and midnight (in the pm)
    • make a Sportifik account and Ryley or Alan will invite
  • SAF is doing a California Forestry Challenge
    • they want Cal Forestry Club to be involved
    • volunteers will network with local professionals
    • high school groups get together and do stuff- like replanting after a fire
    • high schoolers learn hands on stuff! and come up with cool projects
    • Gets forestry out to high school students!
    • DO IT! this is awesome!
  • ​Timber- write your articles
  • Kevin is back!
  • Forestry Camp applications come out in a few weeks: June 20- Aug 12 +/- two days
  • Alumni weekend is probs 27th
  • Next week: Bill (SAF dude) coming to talk to us about SAF
    • Stuff to think about: What do you want out of SAF?j
  • Apply for a TGIF grant if you have a forestry-related grant request!? Have a project idea? apply for the big bucks!!!!
  • Peer Advising!!!! we need Forestry peer advisors - fun welcome events, office hours, answering questions and stuff, 2 units,


BLODGETTTTTT - Ariel Thompson

  • hiring for summer/fall seasonal crews
  • Blodgett, Whitaker’s forest, grass ridge + new forests in the sierras
  • this season- majority of work @ blodget
    • chance to travel around to diff forests
    • whitaker’s forest
  • THE JOB: 3 phases
    1. operational - herbicide app, pruning, PCT, chainsaw work (good experience, pretty fun)
    2. logistics - BIG CREW: as many as 7 people. fun time to be at blodgett. usually various crews living up at blodgett at the same time
    3. housing: extremely affordable (sometimes subsidized with weekend work). A-frames or trapper cabins. wages: good wages
    4. Interviews: phone interviews start next week
      • apply: online through callisto
      • One is JUST FOR BERKELEY STUDENTS - that’s you!
Wednesday, February 10, 2016