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FC Meeting 3/9/2016
SAF Bean Feed
Lots of beans
Food at 5:30, official start at 6
7:30 is when the karaoke begins is at the mill
Kevin thinks the talks will be really interesting
Brad from Adv. Silviculture
Eucalyptus problem
Dropbox with study guides
Can’t find the binder, but there’s hella cash (...). Keep an eye out for the binder.
Closet clean round two?
Emptying the closet
Google forms for people who ordered things, and people who want to order things
Senior BBQ - Sunday May 15th
Every senior gets an Arrogant Bastard Ale and a Timber
Ben Ross will need help
Graduation is May 15th, 9-11 am
RSVP with guests
Dodgeball at 9:30 at RSF
Going against super serious team today
Taco Tuesday ~ maybe next week~
Humberk has been moved to APRIL 9th
Bearclave is 23 days away!
This SUNDAY: we have practice, this is the last Sunday because of Spring Break
Practice, site prep, site fun, join logging sports
Need everybody’s help: last big push
The to-do list google doc, sign up for tasks
2 weeks away, Alumni are stoked!
Need alumni for alumni relay
Timber Articles
Write them
Send them to Elynn
Send photos
Anybody want to help??
Maybe OZ
Cal Day
Lots of field trips
Stump the forester?
Cal Day on Sproul
134 and 276 field trips: on april 16
Info sessions for Forestry Camp
Good idea!
Maya is down to put it together
Table this for next year
Folder with photos and videos etc.
Send Memrobilia
Do bearclave
March 16: Lex is going to have a topic for us all to discuss ~bring your smart hats~
March 30: grad students going to come talk to us about grad school
Wednesday, March 9, 2016